As of 2019 the U.S. Geological Survey counted more than 57,000 utility scale wind turbines in the United States*.
Windfall for Landowners
The fast-growing renewable energy market has provided the opportunity for many agricultural, ranch and other rural landowners to receive a passive source of supplemental income. This income is paid in incremental installments over a period of 20-50 years in return for leasing a small portion of their land (under 1 acre), so that large financially strong energy companies can install and operate one or more wind turbines on their land.
Valuable Choice
While receiving unexpected passive income is a good thing, many landowners are not being given a choice of income payment, other than the extended rental lease payment schedules. Well now there is an option. Landowners who prefer to receive one large upfront cash payment, rather than smaller incremental payments over many years, can! Third party companies like Madison Street Energy LLC (MSE) are now able to offer them immediate irrevocable cash payments in exchange for the landowners redirecting their future rent payments to MSE.
MSE is Different
Madison Street Energy LLC is one of a handful of companies who are purchasing the future wind lease royalty payments (owed under long-term renewable energy leases) from landowners. What sets MSE apart from the competition is that we can structure the lease buyouts in manners that do not respect the individual needs of the landowners and do not interfere with the rights to their land. MSE doesn’t request or need any rights to the actual property itself and landowners do not need to worry about any additional unexpected interruptions/visits that they often receive from the developers, construction companies and/or owners of the wind turbines.
Profitable Investment
With the number of wind turbines increasing by the day, this new investment option provides an opportunity for both landowners and investors. For the landowners it is an opportunity for faster lease monetization. For investors, these leases offer a predictable long-term investment option.
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