The No Risk Option for Renewable Energy Lease Holders

June 3, 2024

The terms of the standard solar and wind leases are consistent across renewable energy production.  Many times on this website, we have addressed the twenty-to-thirty-year payout terms that are standard across the industry and the financial benefit to landowners who opt for an upfront cash payment in exchange for the rights to their wind/solar leases; allowing for the deployment of their lease income in meaningful ways; i.e., pay down debt, invest in business, etc.

In addition to the payment terms, all leases between landowners and renewable energy developers/owners include a termination clause. The language in this section of the lease agreement outlines the project owners’ right to decommission the wind or solar farm at any time for any reason. Once the project ceases operation the landowner lease becomes null and void.

Madison Street Energy works with property owners who have decided to unlock the value of their leases by selling their future rights to the lease payments to MSE in exchange for a large upfront cash payment.   This program is possible because MSE diversifies risk by acquiring multiple leases over multiple projects.

If you are a landowner with a wind or solar lease and you prefer to have no risk of default, MSE can calculate the value of your lease, so that you can make the best-informed decision about your financial future.

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