Madison Street Energy at RE+
Madison Street Energy will be at the RE+ show, taking pace in Las Vegas from September 11-14. If your company would like to learn about Madison Street's renewable energy lease acquisiton capabilities and oppotunities to collaborate,...
Madison Street Energy becomes affiliate member of NASTL
In our ongoing effort to engage and educate various types of wind lease landowners on the benefits of our business model, Madison Street Energy LLC is proud to be an Affiliate Member of the National Association of State Trust Lands,...
What is a Renewable Energy Royalty? Who are the leading Renewable Energy Royalty Companies?
If you are a landowner leasing land for wind or solar projects or otherwise involved with the clean energy industry, it likely that you’ve increasingly started to hear more people talk about the concept of “renewable energy royalties”....
How Much Are Your Wind Royalties Worth?
General Rule: The true value of any wind royalty is unique and various terms and conditions related to each specific royalty need to be analyzed to determine value. What is Madison Street Energy (MSE) Process for Valuing Wind...
Wind Energy Offers New Job Growth and Income Option for Land Owners
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics the wind energy market is the fastest growing sector of the renewable energy market. As a result local economies are benefitting from job growth in the three major phases of wind power...
Surprisingly, These “Red States” Lead the Way in Renewable Wind Energy
In spite of the political discord and climate change controversies, several “red states” are leading the way in renewable wind energy. According to the American Wind Association (AWEA) wind energy provides more that 20% of all electrical...